Tokyo (a.m.) / Kyoto (p.m.), Japan

  • Date
  • 21 June 1999
  • Lodging
  • Kyoto Brighton Hotel
  • Distance
  • 571 KM
  • Total
  • 25190 KM

21 June 1999 – I picked a restaurant called Oiwa, a traditional Japanese establishment that serves on skewers fried fish, meats and vegetables according to the whim of the chef. This was a delicious dinner, but beyond the taste, the presentation was beautiful with small pieces served on skewers along with several sauces (soy, ketchup and teriyaki and lemon pepper). My dinner cost $60 and included 30 different kinds of meat and vegetables like white fish, octopus, salmon, crab, eggplant, asparagus, pumpkin, potato, sweet potato, green peppers, beef, pork and more. My dinner did not include Miso soup, rice or small pickled salads as Jim’s meal did.